
Apex specialises in construction planning and scheduling consultancy and places emphasis on providing programme support with technological solutions. We rely on contemporaneous project records and establishing causation to support clients' projects. Our services include preparing Tender Programmes, Progress Updates, Delay Assessments, and serving as Independent Delay Expert Witness.

  • 1. Project Tendering

    Our goal is to assist clients during the tender stage by providing:

         - Tender Programme

         - Programme Narrative

         - Presentation

    We help clients develop a project tender programme that is tailored to their specific needs for the target project and ensures a smooth tendering progress. We work with the client's team to formulate a strategy that takes into consideration of contract milestones, plant and machinery resources, and viable site logistics. 

    We closely liaise with clients to determine the optimum construction sequences and methods of construction. We deliver the tender programme with a narrative that explains the comprehensiveness of the scheduled logic and reasonings. A good tender programme not only shows the client's ability to deliver the project within the given timeframe but also includes possible risk allowances specific to each project.

  • 2. Ongoing Project - Progress Update

    Our goal is to assist clients during the project delivery stage by providing:

         - Interim Programme Updates

         - Programme Update Narratives

         - Advice on the project status and potential risks

    We assist clients in developing interim updated programmes that reflect the actual progress of the works. This helps project decision makers have a clear understanding of the project status in terms of quantified figures. 

    Apex helps update the sequence of works and construction methodology to compute the remaining works for the project. Regular updates to the programme are essential for monitoring progress, identifying areas of delay, and indicating future risks.

  • 3. Delay Assessment

    The goal is to advise clients on assessing delay in compliance with the requirements under contract by providing:

         - Assessment of the project’s critical path

         - Advice on period and cause of delays

         - Delay analysis report

    Apex has experience in analysing delay with standard forms of contracts commonly used for construction projects in Hong Kong and other regions in the APAC areas. Our team provides delay analysis adopting the methods recognised in the Society of Construction Law’s “Delay and Disruption Protocols”.

    We conduct a comprehensive assessment to establish the reasonableness of the critical path. The critical path sets the fundamental cornerstone for a robust analysis. Our findings in the delay assessments are presented in a windowed structure. This structure breaks down the project into window periods, and for each window, we advise on the period and cause of delays.

    Our analysis and findings are supported by contemporaneous documents that are in the chain of causation of the delay events and the project completion.

  • 4. Independent Delay Expert Witness

    There are occasions where disputes over delay cannot be resolved through amicable negotiations. When this happens, it is necessary to engage an independent expert witness to assess the project's periods and causes of delays in mediation, arbitration, or litigation proceedings.

    Apex understands the duty and obligation that an expert witness owes to the tribunal and the court. As early as 1782, the UK court discussed the issue of whether an expert's evidence should be admissible in deciding a case, stating that "in matters of science, the reasonings of men of science can only be answered by men of science" (Folkes v. Chadd, 1782). 

    The roles and responsibilities of expert witnesses are outlined in The Ikarian Reefer [1993] 2 Lloyd's Rep 68, which states that an expert witness has an overriding duty to impartially and independently assist the court on matters relevant to their area of expertise.

  • 5. Training

    Apex offers customised training services tailored to meet the specific demands of each project.

  • 6. Mobile APP “Smart Engineering“

    At Apex, we believe in the importance of adapting advanced and intelligent technology in the work environment. To enhance the deployment of technology in the construction industry, we have launched a mobile application to facilitate the digitalisation and collection of engineering records.

    "Smart Engineering 司马工程” is  available for download on both iOS and Android platforms.